lauantai 27. lokakuuta 2012

catching up

normal day in my hoods.

Some days you just have so much fun looking at animals that doesn't live in your house.
Animals that may not even live in the wild anymore because of humans. Just gorgeous animals !!  

The top-moments of the day were:
1. Red panda
2. Emu-fight
3. The turning head of an owl
4. The scraming voice of a otter
Well and 5. the company  

Then it was the b-day of Annika, so wicked party on a Monday night. Haha.

Magic Mike and his mates

did their magic on me and my cell-phone didn't work anymore after our movie-night with Hippie.
Then it was party again and quite shortly after that, the much waited autumn holiday and another high-school party, theme this time, black and white !
No photos which I think tells it all.

Stockholm was good, tough tho.

Made some new friends

Had a wicked time with heaps of Swedish people

And went to these disgracefully terrible food markets where I couldn't ever imagine myself being a local person.

So very nice holiday with mamaaa but I catched the flu again and I still have it.
Which isn't too much fun.
This week I've tried to take it easy to get over the flu and managed quite well.
Watched a movie(again) that everyone should see

A lot like love

And there's been other movies watched too but I'll tell about them more in an own entry. It's a goodie !

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