torstai 1. lokakuuta 2015

learn from the best

This post is about what the first year in university taught me.

1. Go to every possible happening, especially during the first half of the year. Even if you are not that into the activity, even if you dont really know the people there. I can tell you, you will get to know to them and you will learn something new. Or just have nice day.


Even  if it's Biathlon.


2.While you are busy making friends and going around, take time for your relationship too. Don't take anything for granted


But I can tell you, if you both want to make the time and the effort, you will get through some quite rough and busy times. Proved, few times.

3. Try to study too, you might learn something or even get really intrested in it.


4. Ask sometimes how your old friends are doing.
But what I've learnt during this year and my year in New Zealand, that the friends who are meant to wait, will wait. Even if you dont talk to each other for a month, even if you don't see each other for a year or two. What's meant to be, will be.


5. Don't complain about the food. We get very cheap studentfood here and it is healthy, qualityfull and clean.

6. And most importantly, live at the fullest, attend the weirdest happening, always say yes to a afterparty. Do something you've never done before, put up a happening.


Enjoy the studentlife, it's the time you will grow, learn about life and get to know to people who have gone their own paths and now crossed yours. Appriate it, learn from it, enjoy it. We will be in the workinglife for so long so don't hurry there.
My friends, the rule n:o 1 is 


2 kommenttia:

  1. Ihana nähä vanhoja kuvia!! #tb pingviinikiertue! xx Johanna

    1. Eiks oo!! Musta onihana käydä niit läpi ja yllättää:)


What's up, mate ?