maanantai 10. helmikuuta 2014

21 facts

Because this kind of things has been around the blogs, I decided to do it too.
So simply, 21 + few facts, big or small, about me.

1.  When I was about 17-18, I had this stage to listen as "non-mainstream" music as possible. I never was that ug-hipster as I wanted but it was mostly because I had the "hipster of 08" as one of my best friends..we had this kind of competiton to find even more underground bands.

2. Nowdays, I listen some of those "hipster"bands but I listen also so mainstream music than a person possibly can :D I think I have become more mature, I listen music I want and feel good to listen, not have to prove anything to anyone.

3. I'm the most annoying person. Especially when I have some view of point or my opinion of doing things. I'm just right about everything.

4. I love my wee dog and I just recently woked up to a fact that she is getting old and there will be a day without her, going nuts when I come home, giving me kisses when I try to do my work-out = ( She's my absolute best friend.

5. I have never been to a funeral.

6. I get the worst hangovers. When people say "only guys get hangovers" that's bullshit if you ask me. Yes, I have tried them all; drink water heaps, eat greasy food, go out, do easy work-out, drink less, not mix drinks, not to drink dark drinks...I have no control over it. Sometimes I drink two and have the worst feeling or sometimes I can drink so much and get nothing the next day. Life's not easy !

7. I hate when people don't get enough prison for killing another person, raping someone or murdering someone ! I hate it and I can't understand what kind of people are those who give the punishments?!?

8. I have hosted the best parties of last two summers and I will keep on doing it because I have the best group of friends and I know the besties will keep on coming after years and years, eventho we may not see each other any other time during the year <3

9. I bought a x-mas precent for myself and wrapped it aswell. Then I opened it infront of my family and was like " OH WOW WHO'S THIS FROM? MY DOG?!"
 I just thought I deserved a drink-shaker :D

10. Last week I was at the invite-only opening-night for this new movie for children, Ricky the Rapper. It was so. good <3 and I felt like the frontrow actor.

11. Last week I also got a confirmation from the dreamjob I had hoped for the summer ! So now me and my boyfriend will live in the same apartment for the summer, yaaaayy !

12. I started working-out in this wee tiny sportclub for ladies and I'm the only one under-25 years in there :D But I have the most fantastic trainer and she makes me do my homework too and give my absolute best at the training. 
And makes me stay for another hour for fit-boxing after an hour of body combat training

13. The main reason I started to work out somewhere "Non-mainstream" is because I'm so competive-minded so I can't train even with my mom, at the last with my boyfriend neither any of my friends or their moms :D

14. Its just so amazing to have friends who I don't see anymore that often or talk so much but when we see each other, we keep on goin' where we left the last time and remember all the good times together.
 And I know they will always be there for me, after years of non-see, months not talking-to.

15. This fact came strictly from my boyfriend, straight translation:
"well you start to speak to dogs eventhou you are speaking to someone else at the same time"


16. And almost the same goes with soft-toys..

17. I can't wait for next week, it'll be the winter-holidays and I'm in the well need of that.
 One week off from my work, CHILDREN, everybody around here and week of relaxed time with my boyfriend, partying HARD, snowboarding in quite big slopes, sleeping, eating.. <3

18. And I can't either wait for the 15th of March, my old friend Johanna is throwing out a party and you know what that means..

19. Me and my three friends have named our group after the moonloop. We had the same period-rhythm for a while..since then we have transformed to #Mortal

20. Often me and my boyfriend play ALIAS by only two of us ! It's heaps of fun and we pretty much have victory on every turnee we take with our other friends. Worth training !

21. The best slow-song EVER made is Bon Jovi - Bed Of Roses.
Thank you.

+1  I HATE ICE-HOCKEY and the hysteria it 'causes in Facebook. I can't stand it. 

+2 I love and respect my parents for everything they've done for me. They are the best.
And also for this


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