torstai 30. elokuuta 2012

final exams

Well yea. Have to start with the foundations of one night when I plugged my webcamera into my computer and founded a good amount of absolute craziness. These photos tell heaps about me and couple of my friends..and the very busy life we've had sometimes..

So that's how busy I'm reading to my final exams, going through damn old webcam photos..Hahah..But I've been studying too which I'm quite proud but of course should do more and more..
Anyway, last weekend was work again. Saturday was really good cause we had a happening and there was heaps of beer drinkers around so they kept us busy 'til 10.30PM when we closed up and went for a AFTERWORK (that's how it is said in a trendy way) ourselves to the neighbour-pub. So it was good !

Thennn well, I had planned to take a wee trip to Turku so the start of the week wasn't that bad like it was week ago. Last week just went on SO SLOW ! It was depressing !
But that's the good thing about not living in the same area with your beeF, it's always more waited and granted to see the other one : )
On MOnday night I had planned to do this essay to my Finnish class which I didnt do last year. So the due was on Tuesday so I open my book and !?!?! The pages which I needed to look and analyse were really in the author's book, not in my study book !!! So got this wee panic cause the book was really rare.
I went throuh heaaps and heaaps of web pages and put this thing in Facebook for people to help me..Which I think my mates thought was rather funny cause the author..well, let's say he's not the most usual author you would think I read.. : D He's poet from 1890-1920, which is fine I think !!
So I searched from all the libraries in the capital-area, only in the really far away ones, of course, had it. So then I just booked it in the nearest one and went there on Tuesday after school. Everything went well and the teacher had kindly even gave me more time ! Of course ! She should've seen all the panic and the reactions on me about 10 hours earlier...Well, in the library I was and DID the essay ! Even I had time 'til Friday ! Well I knew that I would be right here today strugglin' to get started so then I just did it and off I went to the bus and to Turku : )
There we had nice picnic and yummy baguettes and good time. Theeeen off to this nice place by the sea and meet some new people and had a really nice night there.
On Wednesday we went shopping, well 1) I didn't buy any clothes and 2) even if I did, don't expect any kind of post about them. Fashionblogs and me? Well prob the most funny thing after the script of Friends.
But one thing I bought was a thing I have been waiting for and have been meant to do since I turned 18, bought this kind of entertainment, both ones, to my moviecollection : )

Had Chinese lunch and then just walked around and had just really good time : )
And the sun shined so it felt almost like the summer ! We had prob the best smoothies for a loooong loong time in a salad and smoothie bar called  GreenZ ( The fruit smoothie was a big one and just so. delicious ! I really recommend that !
Almost went for a good old Turku night-course but then decided to have a sparkly wine picnic back at the house, which was good too ! Played truth or dare, yes, very exciting with two competitors : D aaaand time is..04.25AM, wake-up call !!! :D:D
Back to Helsinki with the nice, cheap bus, beautiful morning Helsinki, breakfeast, an then the flu hit me to the ground. Ssooo exhausted, still am but luckily when I got  home, there was a letter from my best kiwi-mate Paige !! It made my day, so unexpected and so lovely to hear from a far-away friend some other way than Facebook ! : )) But that's about my week, bring on the weekend. I have a weekend off before the last weekend and the party in work so gonna just chill out and see what happens !! ; ) haha, xoxo

And yea, here's the tune of my trip
I'm sorry.

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