lauantai 12. tammikuuta 2013


This has been my tune for the past week.
My week as an "army-widow" how we say it in Finland. Our guys must go to the army, most go for an year. They get weekends of, don't worry, but not always.
I'm really fine with this ! Of course the miss is huge but I just continue my life, do sports, see friends, STUDY HARD, and in no time, there's a WhatsApp message or I notice it's weekend and some time with my favourite ladies, The Rocket Company.
Yes, we are gorgeous, beautiful and bright 19-year old girls and we have named our group. What's more cooler than that,uh?

These are the girls who know me the most and who also I'm the most ugly with.
And with who we talk the most ugly stuff.
But afterall, Hippie has registered me as an human, "ugly sick disgraceful humankind" but still a human.

I could have been "snail's dookie", "frog's inner organ's outer skinpart" or maybe " rectum's the most vomitable animalkind".
Hippie is very nice and kind with her words sometimes :))

Have a very good night !

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What's up, mate ?