maanantai 21. tammikuuta 2013


It was worth the wait, my weekend was eventho I was damn sick, pretty amazing : )
On Friday I was being the driver of my parents and happened  catastrophically to get lost in Pasila/Sörnäinen/Kallio- area in Helsinki.
With a car.
It is just A LAW that I never find my way on a first try around there.
Well, I found my way finally to the East and then it was all good and cool. Did only lose our way twice on our way back with my BF.
Saturday, girls night in with black dresses and a suprise for a friend coming over, she thought she was going to spend the night with one of her best mates.
No way, she got 4 of us !
And food.
And jell-o shots.

Sunday was Sunday, pretty much watching Californication for the whole day.
Little bit of pizza in between.
Very nice.

There are two couples that are meant to be, in tv/movie-life.
Hank <3 Karen

Chuck <3 Blair

OKAY OKAY there are others too. All the couples in Greys Anatomy.
And few more.

Oh yea and my Monday has been GREAT ! The sun has been up, people have been..well, the same, food was good, only two lessons, something to wait for, amazingly funny but casual afternoon and then blasting music up all alone in the car. Spirits are high for the last, WHOLE, actual schoolweek(lessons etc) in high-school EVER ! Well at leat I hope, if I pass my exams. Haha.
Well anyway, the animals were on high hopes too ! Waiting for next weekeeeeeeend ! <3

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