torstai 4. huhtikuuta 2013


So as I've seen many of my fav' blogs do this thing, I reveal some of myself through these tumblr photo-thingies from here

I always try to be friendly, but if it's about someone being asshole to my friends or just impossibly to be nice to, I can for sure for example turn most of the school's girls against some guy or just unfriendlily ignore al the shittydoers.

All because of my AMAZING year in New Zealand.
The closest ones are still there and it really is sometimes hard to be so far away from a whole family and group of friends that you shared a year with. But I know I'll always be welcome back to them in New Zealand, as well as visit and stay with my mates for example in Japan, Germany, Denmark, Austria and France : )

But not the NZ you see in tv, Lord of the Rings or travelshows.
I dream of MY New Zealand, our farm, the muddy fourwheeler, cantering with my horse towards the "home"mountains, having my hostmum's amazing dinners, driving around the non-asfalt-roads with my girls..

The day when Ronja learns to speak, I'll be gone.
I tell her EVERY damn THING and she listenes always. She gets worried when I lay on my floor and cry my heart out but drops a tennisball on my face.
She waves her tail when I yell from the bathroom " ARE YOU MISSING JONNI TOO ARE YOUUUUU" Of course she is. She looks at me with the "c'mon you fatty, we need to go out"look and takes me out 4 times a day.
She's the best.

See my nails now, not too comfortable feelings you can somehow see from there.

One day, I'll be cool and the ones who have judged me and my style of doing things, they will be ashamed. I'm going to prove that the final exams are useless and you can be good in your life eventho you have not gained the highest marks.

I really do remember the weirdest stuff from the past. Of course some amazing things too that's funny to suprise people with but some not so cool things too that are easily used against people.
"In the year 1997 when we were in the library I remember you looking at me and.."

I truly believe that life's as hard as you make it. Of course sometimes there are things you can do simply nothing about but the attitude you go through them, is the what that matters.
I ended up working through summer in the middle of damn nowhere with work I had never done.
Turned out to be the best summer ever.

Not so positive all the time.

You don't have to move to a different country from the one you grew up in the see new, amazing things and learn something new. It can be right outside your door waiting for ya, the sun could be shining differently, your bff may have have a new hairstyle, your teacher may have an old dress with new cool belt, your ordinary spaghetti may look very different(in case you burned it). Tomorrow's new !!

One day I said to a lady who was our leader on this tour that one day I want to somehow be like her.
She's young, beautiful, a cool teacher and so amazingly friendly.
She started to cry and said that it was one of the most amazing things she had ever heard. One day I hope I cry for that.

I can't understand people who judge others.
For anything. For their skincolor, for their sex, for their clothes, for their heritage. If I sometimes think "omg, what the **** is that person trying to be" I always try to think, let all the flowers bloom.
If someone comes from Nigaraqua, if someone loves person from the same sex, if someone loves to play COD, how does that HURT YOU?!? No way !

I'm good at that, but I'm not sure yet if teaching classes 1-6 are the thing I want to do for the rest of my life..I could teach snowboarding, acting, going with the flow..

The feeling when the beat drops.

In the summertime, I do yes cause. Well, they look good.

Waaaayy too much..why did he say that, what this means, but on 2005 this happened, what does this person mean with this writing, what im doing this for, why is she there, why is that person looking me like that...just do it.

I can't think anything worse from a child being bullied since childhood. That changes that persons whole life, IN A BAD WAY, so if you ever see ANY kind of bullying, adult or child, do something !

I actually I'm. I for example laugh at my own jokes. Why wouldn't I, I'm hilarious?

Well I guess everybody thinks this, but isn't that quite natural? If he wasn't the best, I guess I never wouldn't be with him? We are the best together.

I love my fixed bike and all the extra stuff I have bough for it. I love cycling cause it makes my legs fit and I love the feeling people looking at my bike, covered with stickers plus three clingers and a strawberry basket : ))

I don't think it enough how lucky I'm that I have my persons around me and things so well. There are so many people out there who live in so poor surroundings so we need to make most of the things we have.

L'oreal just can't be wrong !!!!!

My collection of Barbie's is incredible and I still sometimes sneak out to dress them up and play with the tiny little stuff. I was always so proud because every year my god-mum from America send the newest Barbie for me and my friends here had the last seasons. Little things become big.

Sometimes when I have put up heaps work for something, it is nice to hear compliments or even "You were great".

Well, they happen ! People spend their whole life together, but without the bad-halfmothers or losing the other shoe. They may not meet with the most magical way and the boy doesn't always pay or call, but people have real, life-long relationships !!
And if I didn't believe in them, how would I get my own one?

With all the amazingness and beauty, there are also so much sickness, crazyness and pure horribleness in some people out there.
People are selfish, power-wanting and trying to be better than others. That leads to terrible things.
Just need to listen any news, any day.

I'd love to be a vet or zoo-keeper but I wouldn't handle the choice ending the animals life so often.
It easy terrible enough when it comes to my own pet or the icebear-baby in the nature program.

I go back in time every day in my mind and with my diarys, I go back to my feelings all the time. My collection of photos are the gallery of everything, there re just so many good things happened to me.

Or sing well. I wish I could just go visit someone, see a piano/quitar/flipflute and start to play a touching song.

They are so FREAKIN' funny :DD I could watch them for hours in zoo's, especially when they are going down a slide :DD
And is anything more cute than penguin parents taking care of their egg? And more heartbreaking when the daddy is looking after it and the mummy goes to get food and doesn't make it..Nature's hard !!

The way that when I'm old, I can be happy, proud and amazed by all the things I've done.
That when I die, people could say that " At least she lived a long, happy and loved life"

I do feel bad when I'm driving to a places that could be easily accesed by public. Especially in the capitalcityarea it's working quite well so it's nice to use it. And peoplewatch.

Yesterday I just was again so amazed by the look over a night-city from a plane. It's something so gorgeous, not mentioning sunsets, sunrises, mountains and recocnicing my hometown from above the clouds.

When they are behaving !! : D They are so funny and honest and their appreciation to me is incredible.

I always, always TRY ! Not making it always, but at least I try. Never mean to hurt anyone.

And I'm not the only one.

It is really good to realize things that you are good at and this is one of them !! : D One hour trip in the bus, staring out the window, eaaasily done. Scrolling up and down my News Feed, eaaasyyy. Going through my photos, reading blogs, watching red-panda videos..hours of important thinking work !

Why wouldn't I? I hate looking at people when they are looking that they don't give a shit so I don't want to look like that. And the smile back with a suprised eyes is awesome !

I'm afraid when I live in my own apartment and it happens to have a bath, my waterbill's going to be HUGE. A hot bath and everythings pretty much solved.

It is just SO awesome to think that all those people have SOMETHING.
Place to hurry, place to go, person to meet, work to do, child to pick up, plane to catch, lover to suprise, interview to run to...
It's funny to think what's the story behind them, just look and think.

SOmetimes it turns into a problem, I can't be mean to phonesellers, I feel tears for sad looking old man in the street, I try to save every little boy with a readingproblem, I can't look at dogs waiting for their owners outside the shop 'cause I'm afraid they get stolen..I always think how would I feel in that situation.

Oh, my account doesn't have money..This weekend only and then I'm gonna save up !...Next Tuesday..Oh well, only few..Next Friday, this IS a important party to attend...

I don't have to stand on a mountain a village three kilometers below me (was there last week) to feel that, I can have it on top of my town's hill, about 20metres above roadlevel, and feel that everything's right.
Not saying that I don't like it on those high mountains. That makes me feel so SMALL and incacable.

With all the good and bad.

Is there anything more cosy than to snuggle up to a fort with heaps of pillows, planckets and soft toys?

But that's a big part of me 'cause I spend awful lot of time in here ! :D

I'll do that later on..oh I take that next time I go past..a week later...

When I was single, I truly was and most definetly didn't realize when I should've said the most hilarious things.
When my current bf asked me out for the first time, didn't realise one bit what it was about.
Nowdays I think I say funny and flirty things to my bf but obivously they are not really..

They are the ones the big things are made of. And what would life be without the little things? Nothing ! Just have to open your eyes and look.

Damn, boring as !! :D

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