sunnuntai 3. kesäkuuta 2012

2nd year in high-school, CHECK


Friends, music, pop-corn and cotton-candy making, the sun, sumo-wrestling, happiness, cute ones, laugh, hard work, love, goodbye, awesome, beautiful, tired, Jukka-Poika@
Klaukkala, the rain, car, good one.


School's spring Celebration, 4 x Graduating party, car driving, foood, beautiful people, happy faces, almost back at home "hell, I have a navigator in this
car", heaps of friends, old and new ones, roulette, jugs of drinks, party, new guys, why on earth.

WELCOME SUMMER YEAH. I've been waiting for ya. Bring on summerjob at a reastaurant in Naantali and living at my summerhouse. nice ! So not too sure how much I'll be in internet in the nearby future.

But have a great one !

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What's up, mate ?